It's been a while. Sorry about that. : ) Let me see if I can do a little catch-up. I'll start here...
The girls have never been to church. Per the docs recommendation we've been steering clear of any large group gatherings (and places where there's lots of kids). That all changed this last Sunday though. We broke out and, with the help of Laura Damon & Beth Thomas, got to go worship with our CCEN family. It was so good to be back! Here's a few shots of our time there:
Okay, so why are all these shots taken from the hallway, you ask? Well I'll tell you: little Ava Gray has found her voice. And to prove it this Sunday she started to talk up a storm during the service. It was awesome & as always I loved hearing it, but we had to exit and find a little stairwell to hang out in. Still got to share in communion, and in the singing (have missed both of these much). It was a sweet time. Just before leaving we ran down the hall to see Jina & Andrew who were "teaching" the 1-year olds.
Here's my conclusions: 1. It is good to be with family. 2. It is laughable to think of taking the girls to church without a team to help (thanks team!). 3. I am blessed.So what else has been going on? Lots of eating, sleeping, exploring & growing (I'm trying to participate in the first two, but hope to leave the growing to the girls). Oh, and soaking up sunshine. Whenever possible we try to get out into it. And it's been beautiful...
Ava Gray has been loving her times with her physical therapist (a very talented woman who comes to our home and works with AG once a week). Tho I don't have any pictures to prove it, AG is making such wonderful little strides that just encourage me so... It's fun to be getting to know her better as her personality gets a chance to emerge. Lots more smiling & talking & looking directly at Momma. And Havyn? Well, she's getting into almost everything in a 5 foot radius of wherever I set her down. And she's rocking the tummy time:
And her love-affair with food continues. She will actually stare down a bowl of whatever I'm eating, even if I set it down on the floor. She can hardly pull her gaze away from it. Of the food she's been offered, though, here's what she likes best; avocado, sweet potato, pear, mango. Bananas are just ok. And at the bottom of the list: apples. Next up: steak!
Here's my sweet little girls sleepin away....
And I'll leave you with this one. I can't quite describe what's going on here, but I love it. She and AG are strong & fierce little girls... I think it's awesome.
Oh, and for those of you praying specifically for Ava Gray's healing: thank you & please continue! Even with the recent setbacks, she keeps making such great strides. These next few weeks will be a time of real prayer & beseeching for her. Asking God for huge things. Excited about that. : )
Till next time,