Thursday, February 2, 2012

So Many Good Days


It's a little odd to sit down to write in a quiet house (both girls napping at the same time: that hardly ever happens), with the door open to let the warm...uh...winter breeze waft in. There is nothing hard or difficult to report. Both girls are doing really well. Ava Gray & Havyn are both starting to enjoy making, playing, and singing along with music. It's pretty darn cute to hear them. (Havyn actually "sings" - Ava Gray is keeping it a little more chill, and plays the keyboard with her hands & feet - though she absolutely refuses to play a note when we're watching her or trying to take a picture - hence the "uhhh, how does this work?" look she's pulling off here. Don't be fooled. She totally rocks this thin once we walk back around the corner) Here's some pics of my two little musicians:
Havster - our lil DJ:
 And crooning along with her Ana on the guitar:
Havster isn't as shy as her sister on the keyboard...
 But Ava Gray....every single time. She's such an adorable little trickster!
More soon. Just wanted to share such of the fun stuff going on around our home. Hope all is well with you & yours!