Monday, August 15, 2011

OR Today

Dearest Friends,
Ava Gray has needed 2 more taps since I last wrote. Both times her ICP (pressure in her brain) was over 30 (over 20 is a problem). Immediately after her tap, she is a whole different baby: talking away, blowing bubbles, trying to stuff her entire fist in her mouth. It is just precious! After her 3rd TPA, however, the medical team realized (reluctantly) that the next step is surgery. She's been NPO (no food) since midnight, and will be going to surgery today (don't know exact times yet, but expect it to be fairly early).
Oddly enough, this doesn't at all give me a reason to think God will not still heal this baby. He is taking us through quite the circuitous route, however! He often does that to catch up our heart into His, so I am resting heavily on Him and finding Him so gracious and tender.
Praising Him for a dear friend who was with the girls during the night allowing me to get a six hour (that's right, SIX HOUR, nap), for medical staff that has been very caring and sensitive to Ava Gray, for Havyn sleeping for long stretches of time, and for big parties (Jina, you know what I mean!)
Thanks for your messages, love & prayers. Please keep lifting us up to the Father - He so very much listens when we call out to Him.
Till soon,

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