Saturday, June 18, 2011

More Good News


Ava Gray has gone from barely tolerating her feeds and not being quite "herself" (quiet, restless & in some pain), to keeping all her food down & acting more and more like a little girl every day. Whereas she was listless and withdrawn 10 days ago, she's now alert & vocal ("Hey! I'd like a bottle over here!"). Those of us her see her regularly are falling in love with her all over again as the precious little personality God has given this girl starts to blossom. She is feeling BETTER! 

The team has her on continuous feeds through her feeding tube (she had to get that put back in, but now that's she's bigger it doesn't seem to bother her much at all - prayer answered!). They are going to get her up to full feeds (& off her TPN, which is messing with her liver) by Monday, and then start feeding her the same amount but in regular "meals" vs. continuous feed. 

I wish you could see her, she is such a champ! 

I find that the looks I'm exchanging with her nurses over her head have gone from anxious to exhilarated. Somewhere along the line we've morphed from wondering if she's ever going to make it out of the NICU, to wondering if she's going to go home with a G-tube or bottle. And then I think, "wait, going home?" I'm stunned when I realize that we've walked through a long dark valley and though we're still in a ravine, that there's light up ahead. I feel like there should have been a huge giant party to celebrate the milestone, but it crept up so slowly that we are just now realizing we've past it. Praise God, praise God, praise God! He must be smiling to see the reality of His power start to slowly dawn on us, and how He must delight in my surprise. 

Here's the new prayer request:
  • Supply & demand. Ava Gray's feeds are getting up there. She's not quite at full feeds, but I'm already struggling to keep up with both girls. (Those praying specifically for Havyn, pray that she gets enough, and that I would recognize it quickly if she's not!) Here's where I have to stay hydrated, well rested, and "un-stressed." Sometimes that's easier said than done. Some of my sweet nurses have taken me aside this past week and talked to me about not trying to be "superwoman." They've seen me getting tired and drained lately. They've lovingly pointed out that if I get sick, my girls are in trouble. I'm so thankful for their concern & honesty. Pray that I would recognize when I need to ask for help and when I need to just rest. I really don't want to try to be the hero of the story God is telling here. HE is the hero, while I am very helpless & human. His power is shown through my weakness and reliance on Him, not my ability to be a rock star on my own. "In repentance & rest is your salvation - in quietness and trust is your strength." 
OK dear friends, that's it for now. Thank you for your love & prayers! It is so sweet to see them being answered powerfully in this little girls' life and in mine.

With a mix of great tiredness & joy,


PS. If you live nearby, and would be interested in volunteering to do "milk runs" to the hospital, I would be most grateful! Just let me know. Thanks friends.

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