Sunday, October 30, 2011


Dear Friends,

It's been a month since I last caught you up on everything (my computer went down then & was just recently restored to working order). Since I last checked in with you here, I guess a lot has happened. I'll see if I can let you know most of the highlights & throw some pics of the girls as well...

Ok. So in a nutshell, both girs are doing really well. (Some of you have told me it's getting hard to tell the girls apart in some of the photo's. First - yay! Second - this little series starts with Havyn, and alternates back'n'forth between the two):

(And permit me a brief detour: I love this next shot. It's blurry but it captures one of my favorite interactions in motion. On a regular basis, Havyn will get really excited about the presence of Ava Gray and grab a big fist full of her hair, face, tummy, ear, whatever... It looks painful and I go to intervene, but each time as I'm untangling Havyn from her sister, I look down to see Ava Gray just grinning. Beaming, really. She LUVS it! Sigh. It just melts me. Evey time.)

 Alright, here's an Ava Gray update. In the last month Ava Gray:
  • Is starting to open her eyes more and gives a little bit of direct eye contact with close friends. Mama gets even a little more (and one day this week it was accompanied by a big smile - a first!), but Havyn still gets the most. Which is awesome. : ) 
  • Has gone to quite a few dr. appointments. Everybody is super pleased with her progress. Her cardiologist was so surprised by her health/weight gain that after some discussion, is now advocating for heart surgery in the next few weeks vs. waiting till March. (Would you pray about that one? Mama's not sure about that yet)
  • Is tolerating her meals better. Still a little emesis, but we're pretty sure that's due to the new anti-seizure medication which is known to be hard on the stomach. She's also starting to take to the bottle again! For those who remember the up's & down's in the NICU, she's now up to 20 ml's in 2-10 minutes by mouth (this is astounding), and can do 30 to 40 ml's if you give her a little more time. She's also started eating solids, and though it's not a full "meal" each time, she is able to down a hearty snack a few times a day... this is so fun!
  • Has been enjoying her in-home nurses (Gequita & Barbara) & physical therapist (Karen). We have been so blessed in that each one of the people who have been assigned to work with AG in the home have turned out to be GEMS. I'm so thankful for them in her (& our) life! It's also really neat to see the progress she's making because of their hard work. Turning her head more, better at sitting up w/ support, grabbing for toys and hanging on to them, etc...  Here's some shots of AG & Gequita in one of their recent sessions together. As you can tell, AG isn't always grateful for these in the moment. But mama sure is! : )

 And a Havyn Update. In the last month Havyn:
  • Has started to push herself up on her hands and toes and is getting ready to crawl any day now. (Already scoots super-fast & can roll across the room in less than 10 seconds - especially if there's an interesting wire to chew on in the corner!)
  • Continues to eat up a storm. Mango & Avocado still top her list. She is her mama's girl!
  • Has figured out how to sit up, wave goodbye (tho not necessarily when anyone is leaving), and make fish-lips. I think she may have taught AG who started fish-lips herself a day later. 
  • Is starting to giggle (well, no - it's really more of a chuckle) a LOT. Friends who come to visit love to get her going. It's the cutest thing to see... In the last few days she's started giggling at AG. No matter what AG is doing (even spitting up), Havyn thinks it's hilarious. Aren't sister's great? : 
And other news:
  • Two dear women at City Church found out I've been doing dishes (& bottles) by hand, and immediately decided to get me a dishwasher. They've pulled everything together: it arrives in a few hours and should be installed on Tuesday. This. is. huge! : ) 
  • My dear cousin Jina was kind enough to let us host her wedding shower at our house (the easiest/only way for us to attend events is to have them here!) It was so sweet to be with Jina & so many of her good friends and to get to be a part of the exciting celebration!
  • We also got to "attend" the wedding via Google+ - though there were lots of technical difficulties Jina & Andrew got to see the girls all dressed up for their big day, and we got to see Jina & Andrew's first dance, the cake cutting, the toasts, and the big smiles! Such a sweet time.
  • My mom and her dear husband Carl are coming out soon to stay a week with us. This is such a treat & we are SO looking forward to it. The last time my mom saw the girls, they were this big (seems forever ago!):
  • My sister, Linda, is coming out for Christmas. Here's Linda & Havester during Linda's last trip out here (I think the girls were a little over a month old at the time):
  • In a surprising little twist, we stumbled across the fact that we might be eligible for in-home nursing for Ava Gray. Did a little checking it out and *voila* - starting this Wednesday we're going to get 27 hours a week of one-on-one, in-home nursing for Ava Gray. (!) There is so much that I have wanted to work with her on but have struggled to fit it in to our busy schedule. Now, she will be getting so much more consistency in the exercises & therapies that are helping her to get stronger. What an answer to a prayer I hadn't even thought to pray. (Did you? If so, thank you!)
  • And then our God continues to show Himself "mighty to save" in our lives in big & small ways. He's been leading me into more repentance and teaching me that it already has huge place in parenting, even at this tender young age for my two girls. It's been sweet.
Okay, that'll have to do for updates. Before I sign off, here's some (probably way too many) pics of the two precious kiddo's just hanging out at home. Enjoy! : )
    To start us off, a sleepy Havester
     Sweet sleepin Ava Gray
     Havyn keepin warm & staying on the move...
     Ava Gray resting after a good long workout (PT) & bath
     Havyn enjoying the outdoors with mama
     Havyn getting as close to swimming as she will ever get this fall...
     Mama & AG watching the sunset from the front porch (isn't she a sweetie?!)
     Ava Gray demonstrating that "fleece is for Fall!"
     (And for snuggling with your sister)
     Havyn thinking about rolling off the bed....again
     Mama & her 2nd child (Havester)
     Havyn in her "chair of wonders"
     A clean (and talkative!) Ava Gray
     And Havyn, all tuckered out
     Havyn loves, LUVS cell phones. Mine has been loved on, kissed, drooled on and bitten - and it still works!
     Havyn (pic#1) and AG (#2) just chillin
     Sweet sister time
     And then HATS!!! (My mom made the girls a few and they modeled them for me. Too cute!)

     Okay, though it's 8:20pm, the girls both just woke up and decided it was time for a late-night snack. Off I go! Thanks for checking in with us. As always, we are SO thankful for all your prayers. Till next time -


    1. Thanks so much for the awesome update! Can Story and I come visit you girls sometime?

    2. Love your update and the photos of your two cuties! I checked last updates...and asked Linda just this morning how you all were and how the month had passed for the girls. Was delighted to hear (and have confirmed) that it was a good month! Enjoy your visit with your mom!

      Love Ruth

    3. They are so adorable... and we are so thankful to have you girls as neighbors! - Jen

    4. Hi Julie! I was thinking about you this morning and realized I hadn't heard any news for a while. It was so good to read this and know you are all doing well.

      Miss y'all.


    5. Is it safe for us to visit too? Both kids are currently snot free!

    6. Katy & Ariana - would love it! We have an in-home nurse on Mon, Wed, & Fridays - could even meet ya'll at the park! : ) Just let me know what day might work for each of you, and we'll work it out.

    7. Julie!!! I so amazing how much they have grown since August! It's so wonderful to see how well you all are doing, thanks for the update! Give those sweets some kisses for me please:) Miss you!!!!!
