Saturday, April 7, 2012

Let me ', there is too much. Let me sum up.

So there are a couple of blog entries I started but never got around to finishing... They were about the girls & I being sick (3 long weeks of fevers & all the usual that comes with it - so glad that's over!), about an amazing blog post written by my friend Flo Oaks (you can check it out here), and the girls turning one. (That's right, ONE!). In a few days they will be 13 months old. So I have entirely too much catching up to do in once post. I'll just throw in some highlights from the past few months. And earnestly endeavor to do better at keeping up in the near future. Here's just a little of what's been happening around these parts:

We've discovered the joy of shoes. (Well, I'd actually already discovered that years ago, but it's fun to see the girls jump on the bandwagon.) And I don't know how much they really enjoy shoes as much as they love taking them off and fiddling with them. Or throwing them out of the stroller as they go for a walk (AG especially excels at that particular trick). Anyways. They're experiencing joy with their shoes. That counts, right? Oh, and they've been having some really fun "sister moments" too. (See below):
 Then we all got sick. Like I said, for a good long while. None of us were very happy campers. (See below). But two out three of us sure were cuties in spite of it all! (Hint: Its the two pictured here)
Everyone was super-tired. Our sweet Ana nursed us through this icky/exhausted stage. Have we mentioned yet that we love our Ana?
 Even though sick babies can be extra-cuddly, it's no fun watching them feel achy and run fevers. Good riddance to the horrid flu!
 It has felt soooo good to get back to normal, to get back outside & to enjoy the freakishly delightful weather we've been having here in Nashville...
And to see the girls getting back to their sweet & sassy selves!
(Ava Gray:)
(And Havyn Bree:)
 In the last few months, Havyn has become quite the little explorer. Among other things, she loves this particular cupboard containing medical supplies that she's not supposed to get into... (As of today she can climb from a chair onto our dining room "island." Time to evacuate all stools & chairs!)

And Ava Gray has started a new little dance with her feet & ankles that we affectionately refer to as "twinkle toes" - she (& we) get such a kick out of it!
 (And then another round of the shoes....sorry, again with the shoes....)

And then we got to celebrate the girls turning one. What an incredible milestone for this mama! We kicked everything off a few days early with sweet gifts from our Ana (really soft cuddly blankets for both girls + some fun hand-blankets - they were perfect and the girls already want to sleep with their new blanket whenever possible). Thank you Ana♥

The partying continued (with many of you!) at Shelby Park. It was a beautiful day & many of you dear friends put in a lot of work to make it a wonderful celebration. It meant so much to see the faces of so many people who have walked through this first year with us. And it was a special surprise that my Uncle Bill from California got to attend as well. Happy Birthday Sweet Girls!!! Here's Havster waking up right before the party...
And the girls all gussied up & ready to go...
It really was a beautiful set-up. Thank you Amy Davis & Virginia Carter & Laura Damon & Christa Schneider & Laura Kuo & Sarah Howze & Sarah Carter & all you sweet folks who came early and did so much to make this....well...spectacular. : )
Aunt Jina & Uncle Andrew know how to start things up right! (And put in a lot of effort putting together the photo booth & zany costumes - so fun!)
One of our little guests let these balloons go....(see them, tiny dots on the right?) So cute - and fun to watch them escape. (the balloons, not the kids)
 A little too much partying for AG....she got right back into it after her nap tho!
I was hoping & praying that the girls would enjoy the people there at the party, and wouldn't be too clingy. Prayer answered: every time I'd look up, Havyn would be happily toddling from one person to another...didn't even care if I was around or not, and Ava Gray was soaking up the attention too. Awesome.
Kroger had a crazy sale on these tulips. Which just happened to be the colors of our party. Sigh. God really loves to show His tenderness in the details, doesn't He?
UB & Bethie.
My Bethie & me. Love this girl!
Finally waking up & getting ready for her first cupcake.....
See? I'm nowhere around for this shot. And the girls couldn't be happier w/ their friends....
UB & his East Coast counterpart....
Some of the folk who were there to party with us:
By the way, these cupcakes were del-LIC-ious! I may or may not have had more than I can possibly bear to admit in this post. They were amazing. Thanks Christa : ) 
Oh I love this shot. The birds were made by my Mom & West Coast fam for the girls' party. And this photo of AG & Ana is one of my favorites.
 When it came time to let the girls have their first cupcakes (pumpkin bread w/ maple-cream cheese frosting), they tore into it! Ava Gray just tried the frosting, but like it so much she almost bit my finger off....and she had no trouble with her sucking reflex that day, I can tell you! : )
First maple-syrup high:
Our fabulous party folk:
This is our "Nurse Reunion" shot. Ana, Annie, and Lauren. Sweetest women you could ever hope to meet. Seriously.
Ava Gray hanging out with her sweet Ana...
And Bethie....
 It was such a relaxing time. Such a treat to see all the little ones playing in the grass, and tumbling around the toys & each other. I couldn't have imagined a better party.
Sigh. Loved it. It what made it even more special is that we don't usually get out much socially. (Not that we don't go out, though! - Mostly to the hospital and 100 Oaks to visit the doctors there, but still...) So getting to see all many of our dear friends all at one time was...well...awesome. 
Speaking of doc's - our favorite medical professional to visit, by far, is our chiropractor, Dr. Skye. Every time Ava Gray gets an adjustment she gets all cheerful and talkative afterward. She also has an improved range of motion in her neck. That's got to feel good! Here's us at our last visit there (notice Havyn making sure Dr. Skye isn't hurting AG - she's a protective sweetie!):
Oh, and another recent outing: down the street to
the elementary school on the corner to vote. (Thanks for coming with us Allison K!) It was the girls' first time to be present at such an event. They didn't offer much constructive advice about the candidates, but they sure were a darling support group!
(And no, I didn't vote twice: they just let me snag 2 stickers for the girls. Promise.)
 And here's a few of the girls just being busy....
And one of Havyn's favorite activities: watching the world go by...
Other favorite activities include: grinning,

pretty much anything that involves the outdoors,
climbing onto unstable objects and then dancing,
singing to her sister,
pretending to use Ana's stethoscope on anyone who will let her,

trying to figure out how to put this syringe into AG's Mickey button... (like she see's Mama do when it's time to administer meds) - poor AG : )

hanging out with Uncle Andrew & pretty much anything to do with computers (actual quote from 2nd photo; "Havyn, how did you just disable my directional keys?"),

"flying" with her Ana,

(not this - "Anything but sleep, mama!")

figuring out how things work (everything from toys to tools),

dressing up & feeling pretty,
getting people's attention as they walk by (she coughs loudly in the direction of the person, but when they look over she does her "shy grin" - hilarious),

and lastly - snuggling. Sigh. That's my favorite one. : ) 
Now Ava Gray does a lot more snoozing & dozing than her sister (especially right now as she's getting used to a new anti-seizure medication we had to start her on), but whenever she's awake, she's just full of smiles & clicking & clacking. We few who are privileged to spend regular time with this sweet girl just fall more and more in love with her each day!

And lastly, friends, if you pray, would you pray for Ava Gray this week? We just found out she will most probably need another major surgery next month. (The bones in her head fused prematurely and there is no room for her brain to grow, so they want to go in and open up the lines in her head to allow it to expand as her brain develops). This would involve another lengthy stay at the hospital. This mama needs wisdom. And peace. Thanks dear friends. (Thanks too for slogging through all these pictures!) So fun to share the girls with you. Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My! That was FUN! Going through all those pictures was sheer delight! you are a great Mama, I can just tell by how content your little girls are. Praying for Ava this week...God knows all the details and will handle everything. Take care all yous!Lisa Black
