Thursday, June 7, 2012

Needing Grace...And Finding Grace


We find ourselves back in the Vandy ER today. Ava Gray had some unusual swelling on her forehead (and between her eyes), that started last night & has gotten worse throughout the day. Her surgeon asked us to come into the ER, where they've run tests, scans, etc. (and are still in the middle of finishing those up). The findings so far are a little disconcerting: there is a pocket of fluid and air that is building up both inside and outside of her skull, and the pocket is putting pressure on her brain. The folks we've talked to so far are thinking that this is looking a lot like another shunt failure (which would mean another surgery and time in the ICU). 

As is the theme in our life with Ava Gray, we don't have a lot of answers. And with nothing to hold onto but Christ, we fall hard on Him. Please pray for us. You know. The usual things. (Rest, Peace for Havyn, Faith instead of fear). Jesus really is giving me peace in this room today. Thankful for Him, friends. What a dear Savior we have!

Till soon,

And some pics of the girls at home this's been a precious time with both of them. Thankful for that.

Chillin at the mall : ) 

Falling down is fun : ) 
Our sweet champion
Rockin & rollin...
Outdoors & lovin it.

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