Saturday, July 7, 2012

Heat & Holidays

The temperature inside the house right now: 89˚. Outside: 104˚. Both babies are napping, I don't know how. Their hair is plastered to their sweet little faces....and they sleep.

In spite of the heat wave (is it officially that?), we girls got away to a cabin for a few nights (thanks to our sweet & wonderful Ana!) who took us up to her "home away from home" and let us soak up some R & R.

I'm going to let the pictures speak for themselves.

Oh, and one last thing before I do: the Ava Grays' CT results showed that everything is settling in the way they'd hoped (internally), but they may have to do a "redo"surgery in order to fix Ava Gray's left eye (her left eyebrow & socket are still coming out more than her right, and that's affecting her vision). We'll go in for a follow up in 12 weeks, and find out if we need to go through this one more time. Please join us as we pray that we don't have to!

Thanks dear friends. And now, some pictures......(starting with some pre-cabin, backyard-in-the-Nashville-heat shots of Havster. The reason no shots of AG is that she was a smart little cookie and decided to stay inside & skip the heat altogether) ☺

And then.....CABIN TIIIIME!!!
 Havyn getting a present from her Ana (a little matchbox car: she was in heaven!):
 Ava Gray, soaking up the love from her KP:
Havster. Still with the car. :) 
The next morning it was all about watercolors. Eating them, patting them, but mostly painting 
with them : )
And AG? Well, she was having a good ol' time too.... Stretching, smiling, kicking her feet to the music....
 Another thing Havyn loved: stairs, glorious stairs...
 It really was so fun watching Havyn explore every look nook & cranny. She was very thorough. : )
 Ava Gray, though she didn't join her sister in exploring the cabin, was very happy being there. She wanted to tell us all about it. Oh, how I love hearing her tell us about things!
 And she got quiet a few naps in too. Aren't naps lovely?
 And as for me, I got to spend a few amazing hours out on a shady porch overlooking lush green valleys, feeling a cool breeze on my neck, while I READ. A BOOK. First time in....ummm....forever. : ) I was thrilled. Thanks so much KP & Ana, for that, and for all you two did to make this a vacation for a mama as well as her girls!

This last set of pictures are from our time at a little place called "Blue Hole." (Ana, Havyn & I enjoying the water - KP & AG are clearly not pictured, as they were back at the cabin, resting it up) : )
Also not pictured: Lots & lots of snacking & resting & music & just taking a deep breath after a long stretch of busy living. I am so grateful for these few days at the cabin. They were (and are) just exactly what we needed. Thanks Father!

And a little update on the AC: I started this blog entry two days ago, & yesterday the air conditioner finally stopped working altogether which lead to a very warm and sleepless night for all. So thankful that our awesome landlord installed a window unit AND fixed the AC today. Our house is now a cool & breezy 71˚! Ahhhhhhhhhh.

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