Monday, August 13, 2012

Settling In

Oh, but it's glorious having Ava Gray home. She is a whole different girl: big smiles (even when no ones around to tease one out of her), lots of insistent babbling, and rolling like nobody's business. Havyn is getting her groove on as well. : ) Here's some of Havster doing just that:
And here's some of our amazing Ava Gray. She makes a really adorable patient, but an even better regular-little-girl at home! First, AG in the hospital:
And then in her own home-sweet-home:
Isn't she sweet? Or am I just horribly and incredibly biased? (I am, I admit it) : ) Thanks for praying for each one of us. We definitely feel & rely on those prayers! Will be posting soon, but just wanted to let you all know that we're doing well & soaking up the rest. Till soon! -J


  1. You are biased! But providentially for you, that bias is also 100% correct! I want to kiss their faces!

  2. : ) Hee. Hopefully you will get the chance to do so sooner than later!
