Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nash-Dubs in the New Year

Please forgive the zillions of pictures. I so want my friends and family across the miles to get a window into life with these two precious souls that I'm privileged to call daughters. I think I try to cram in as many snapshots as possible, hoping to convey a tiny piece of their personalities and all the things that make them laugh (or make me laugh!) so that all of you who love us so well from a distance will not feel so far away. Still, I realize that you really have to care about us Nash-Dubs to wade through all the photo's I put up. So for all of you who so happily do, thank you. (And enjoy!) : )

Here's a few of Ava Gray doing some "therapy" (also known as good ol' fashioned play)
Even though she's a tad bit too big for it, H just can't resist the lure of her sister's toys:
And...Leggo time with her Papi. She just loves those things. : ) Such a good gift from her Papi (fellow lover-of-all-things-Leggo!)
Laughing it up with her Papi....
This cracks me up every time...Here's Havyn "smiling" for the camera:
And finally, out in the wide open spaces! This girl loves to dig in the dirt & explore. I think most kids do. It's just the coolest thing:
Speaking of things the girls love: AG & her yogurt!
Oh, and drums. Also the drums:
And adding to the list: play time with our OT & all the toys that come with...they're the greatest!
Spaghettiiiiiiiiiiiii! (Thank you La-La):
And then some pics of our favorite outing destination: the "park." (Its the school across the street, but it's as good as a full-blown park to these two fans).
Ok. You made it to the end. (Whew!) Thanks for coming by & hanging with us for a few. We love getting to share our lives with you even though you can't be here in person. Till soon!

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