Monday, January 7, 2013

The Full Life (Part II)

The second part of Christmas started Christmas afternoon. We packed up all our gear & toys & gifts & delicious leftovers and said goodbye to the Blanco family. Upon arriving home, we got busy unpacking & re-settling in. Just a few hours later, my sister Linda (from California) arrived at the airport for her one-week stay here in Nash-Chatta-vegas. For those of you who know what it is to have a sister who is also your best friend, you can imagine how exciting it was to have her come & spend a whole week here. It was my favorite Christmas gift, to be sure. was part of it: the other part of what made it so special was that my brother, Brian (and wife, Susan, and daughter, Rose) also came down from Chattanooga and spent a few days with us. I absolutely love my siblings (+ their awesome spouses), and cherish any & all time that I get to spend with em. Even though it was a bit of a wild ride (a lot of Ava Gray's nurses got the flu and couldn't come in, and Ava Gray was still struggling with her seizure meds which caused a lot of nausea +  weren't really keeping the seizures under control), my family was loving & calm & gentle through it all. Even though I was often too tired to carry on a meaningful (or even coherent) conversation, I just soaked in the love & joy that being with my family brings. When I'm around them, I experience Jesus. (That's rare in this world. I'm so rich in family, and I know it!) Okay, I'll stop talking about it, and get on with showing you some pictures of this sweet time with the Dubs:
My adorable sister & bleary-eyed me. No sleep. No personal space (toddlers have never heard of such a thing), and no shower. That's how we played it this go around ; ) Linda ("Deeda" to the girls) was more than good sport about it all. She was just awesome.
 Have to say, my sister has the best laugh....
Okay, here's a little niece who just stole my heart all over again this visit. She has the tenderest spirit towards Ava Gray; always wanting to check in on her and make her smile. Here she is helping Ana feed AG...she was so careful. ♥
And Havyn just adores her Uncle B (B is for Brian). This was the funniest spontaneous game that got her giggling: she brought every toy she could find and put in in Uncle B's arms...
 When she brought him her baby-doll stroller, it really started getting good:
 See her belly-laughing at her Uncle B's antics? Sigh. She just loves that uncle of hers. So do I, actually : )
 Here's three beautiful girls: Ana with Rose & AG.
 I loved seeing Havyn warm up to my brother right away. He's so gentle and careful with her & Rose & AG. What an amazing dad!
 The cousins at play (Rose driving, Havyn pushing):
 AG sitting up in her sisters' high chair, grinning. She is pretty darn proud of herself (& she should be!):
Our one attempt at an "outing" consisted of a run to Oprey Mills Mall for their little toddler play area. I don't know if we succeeded in tuckering them out (which was our original goal), but we sure tuckered ourselves out! Here's some of the the weary travelers heading back towards home:
 Me & my AG. I don't get to hold her as much as I long to...times like these are precious to a mama.
Ahhh, love this shot: blurry and all. You can't see Susan in this picture, but she was often the one making us laugh. ("But there is no melody!"). Not pictured, but much loved!
Another highlight, Susan's parents trekked over from Chattanooga to spend a few hours with us. They are such wonderful folk. (!) I can't believe they did that (in the snow) just to see us for an afternoon. Sure am glad they did though.
 The cousins: sharing all things electronic:
Random, but cool: It's hard to see just how awesome these magnets are, but believe me, they rock! My brother & sister (in-law), Tim & Jill made these "family magnets" for the girls, and sent the for Christmas. Hilarious. And sweet. Just like the Cali-Dubs. (We missed you guys)
 Here they are. All of em (Sans T&J&Co + Mom & Carl). Best Christmas present EVER:
 Back at the homestead, doing what we do best. (Hanging):
 Oh, and it was amazing to watch Havyn with her Deeda. My sister is world-reknown for being just magical with kids. Still, it was precious seeing my own daughters just absolutely delight in their aunt (within minutes of seeing her!) Havyn wandered around the house calling for her "Da-da" (we're working on "Dee-da"), and wanted to go on adventures with her whenever she could drag her away from the crowd. Here's a few of the girls at play:
Even though it was pretty chilly, AG got to get outside for a bit (thanks to her wonderful nurse Ana) Can you see that she's got her "I'm annoyed" face on? It always makes me giggle....
 Havyn with her Deeda. Having the time of her life...
 While our precious AG waits inside where it's warm (she's a smart one).
Sigh. Both girls had such an amazing time with their aunts & uncle. Times like these are always WAY too short. But I treasure em up. Thank God for em. And eagerly await the next time we Dubs can be together again..... (Next time with Tim & Jill & co!)
So till next time....

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